Hi everyone! Huge apologies for creating topic in English, but my German knowledge is veery basic and I didn't want to make every reader upset with my low level German.
I was recently reading the following topic:
The Journeyman Project Turbo: Gibt es das Spiel auf Deutsch?
Hallo BumbleBee,
"Entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch, ich übersetze mit Google."
Ich wollte mich bei Ihnen für Ihre Patches aus The Journeyman Project 2 und 3 bedanken.
Sie dienen mir als Vorbild. Können Sie mir sagen, ob The Journeyman Project Turbo auf Deutsch existiert?
Ich sehe, dass die Kixx XL-Version in 3 Sprachen ist "aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob dies wahr ist".
The Journeyman Project - Translations
In hope it could help me in my plan to make fan-made translation for Star General game. Quite a lot of text is placed in easy to edit files (unitdata + ebattle), but unfortunately, important part of menu/interface is "inside" exe file (speaking about Windows version, from gog.com).
I've tried to use the recommended IDA and HexEd. However I admit that I probably did not understood crucial parts of the guide from the linked topic (probably either my lack of technical knowledge...or poor German knowledge).
I would like to try to split the process on "parts" and have hope, that one of forum users could advise me, if I'm doing right or wrong.
I.First step - extracting all text for translation (and translating it).
1.First, I was trying to localize fragment with parts to translate. I think that it is contained in following fragments:
005614A0 - end
I know that end has caught a bit of German word, but just in case I wanted be sure, that I caught entire segment and I won't make any stupid mistake.
2.After matching all this fragment, I clicked right mouse button and choose the option "save to file" and saved it as POL.dll.
3.Now I understand, that I need to basically translate this stuff, in hex editor (for example HexEd)? And save those changes after translating (in the created POL.dll)?