Purchasing a License for Revo Uninstaller Pro 4 or above includes free technical support and free updates while your update subscription is valid (not expired). For example, if your update subscription expires on 1 January 2021, you can install for free any version of Revo Uninstaller Pro released before 1 January 2021. After that date, if you want to install a newer version, released after 1 January 2021, you would have to renew your update subscription. Depending on features in new versions, you can decide to renew your update subscription by purchasing an updated license (significant discounts will be applied), or to continue using your already purchased version. You can continue using your activated version, for which you have purchased a license, for as long as you want.
Beiträge von Darklord im Thema „Revo Uninstaller Pro 4: Probleme mit der Lizenz“
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