Beiträge von Darklord im Thema „Artikel in Zeitschrift über Commander Keen First-Person-Version gesucht“
Dann gab es noch diese Version:
Aus alt mach neu: Die kultigsten Remakes - Update mit Commander Keen 3D und Another WorldAusblick: Commander Keen 3D (inoffizielles Remake)www.pcgames.deEin 3rd-person shooter.
Mal Wiki besucht.
"After the release of Goodbye, Galaxy and Aliens Ate My Babysitter in 1991, id Software planned to make a third set of episodes for the following December, titled Commander Keen in The Universe is Toast!. Beyond the proposed title and release date, shown in the epilogue of the two games, no design work was completed before the game was cancelled due to the success of id's Wolfenstein 3D (1992) and development focus on 3D first-person shooters such as Doom (1993).[10] John Carmack noted in 1999, when referencing the project that became the Game Boy Color game, that the original developers of Keen were unlikely to ever work together again on another game."
Daneben gab und gibt es noch etliche Fanmods. Ich vermute, dass viele Fans einfach ein Revival der Reihe in Form eines Shooters erhofft und erwartet haben und wie das oft so ist, irgendein Entwickler diese Erwartung befeuert hat.